Plum Jelly Recipe

Plum Jelly Recipe

Plum Jelly Recipe

4-5 lb. plums
7 c. sugar
1 pkg. or 6 tbsp. powdered pectin
1/4 tsp. butter
And so on.

  • First. Remove the pan from the heat. Remove any foam with a metal spoon. Ladle the jelly into hot sterilized jars, leaving ¼ inch head space. You can easily measure the head space with this inexpensive canning funnel.
  • Step two, Place the sterilized canning lids and rings on the jars and screw the rings on finger tight.
  • Next step is, Place the jars in the boiling water canner that is filled about half way with water. Jars should be covered with at least 1 inch of water. Bring the water to a boil and process the jars for 5 minutes.
  • Complete Instructions: https://creativehomemaking.com/recipes/canning/plum-jelly/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_smartloop&utm_content=smartloop&utm_term=34351850

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